Passive harmonic filter

multiwave passive

Active & passive harmonic filters
Passiver Oberschwingungsfilter multiwave passive

The loads in industrial networks are increasingly dominated by a large number of small and large inverters. These are being introduced with the purchase of new machines or the retrofitting of existing machines to increase energy efficiency. Two effects can be observed in the field: The reduction in the number of motors operated directly from the mains reduces the need for inductive fundamental reactive power. At the same time, however, the reactive power caused by the harmonic currents of the inverters increases.

The impedance of the mains transformer plays a decisive role. A large part of the harmonic voltage is generated at this point, which in turn is responsible for faults in consumers. It is not uncommon for the standard limit values for harmonics to be violated in the main distribution board. This results in unreliable operation of the machines with increased defects in the control technology.

KBR offers harmonic filters from the multiwave product group as a solution. The passive version as a coordinated filter circuit system is particularly innovative. The multiwave passive was specially developed for networks with a high proportion of 5th and 7th harmonics, which are typical of industrial networks. The system is installed centrally in the low-voltage main distribution board and takes over part of the harmonic current. The design of the passive filter determines the level of network cleaning.

The result is a significant improvement in the total harmonic content of the voltage (THD-U) and a lower thermal load on the transformer.

The multiwave passive is controlled and monitored by the well-known multicomp D6 compensation controller, which is equipped with a specially developed program for filter circuit systems. The multicomp D6 controls and tests contactors and fans, and monitors the system for overcurrent and overtemperature. It is equipped with various network measurement functions and a fault memory that can be shown on the plain text display. It is also possible to operate several systems in a network in master-slave mode.

The compensation performance of the multiwave passive is remarkable. For example, a filter with 250 kvar fundamental reactive power can still draw up to 650 A harmonic current from the mains. The filter effect is very broadband and has the following typical degrees of compensation:

  •  5. Harmonische 85 %
  •  7. Harmonische 43 %
  • 11. Harmonische 32 %
  • 13. Harmonische 30 %


In order to guarantee this filter performance in the long term, components with the highest load capacity must be used. Once again, the components from our own production were convincing. The high-performance choke used was specially developed by KBR for this type of system. The well-known UHPC premium capacitors with an overload capacity of up to twice the rated current round off the package.

All in all, a coherent concept to significantly improve your voltage quality and with an unbeatable price-performance ratio.



Jede Filteranlage muss für den einzelnen Anwendungsfall ausgelegt werden. Unsere Fachabteilung Power Quality Service ist auf diese Aufgaben spezialisiert, und hilft Ihnen gerne bei Ihrem Projekt weiter. Für den hochfrequenten Bereich ab 2,5 kHz gibt es zusätzlich den multiwave passive Hochfrequenzfilter. Dieser reduziert erheblich Störungen im hochfrequenten Bereich, wie beispielsweise Resonanzen, Kommutierungseinbrüche, Taktfrequenzen und Transienten.

Tablet mit Screenshot


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